May 29th - Installing AMP and Mediawiki

on Friday, May 29, 2009

I have finally managed to install and configure Mediawiki on my home and lab machines. It took me two days because I made some small mistakes that caused "Fatal Errors" as my browser kept saying. If you are on Windows, Geek to Live: Set up your personal Wikipedia is a great guide. If you chose to install a pre-made WAMP packages, make sure you don't have Apache, PHP, or MySQL already installed on your machine. If so, unistall them so that they don't interfere with the WAMP server. If you are on Ubuntu, the guide provided by Mediawiki, Running MediaWiki on Ubuntu, is great. But make sure you add PHP to the list of "available-mods" and "enables-mods" in Apache2. And if you fix something but your browser doesn't show it, try clearing the cache (in Firefox, go to Tools --> Clear Private Data --> check Cache --> OK). Thank you Alan for helping me with installing Mediawiki.


Summer said...


Summer said...


Summer said...


Summer said...


maria yancheva said...

The function which does the python-php interfacing (by sending an HTTP request to the python CGI script) is called efStatsJamRender in here (web/statsjam.php, line 62).